This Saturday 28th of Feb, the club will be carrying out a working bee on the Davies Park Pitch to get it ready for the 2015 season.
- The corner with the drinking tap and the near goal area will both have sections of turf laid to recover what is currently dirt.
- The shed needs its final clean up, most of the rubbish has already been removed, it is just the finer details that need to be attended to now.
We have already done a lot of preparation and the tasks at hand will be quite simple if we can get a good number of people to help out.
If you have a bit of spare time on Saturday, we would love it if you could help the club provide a better facilities for players this season! We will provide cold drinks and will put on a BBQ (gold coin donation) for you all, so if you could let us know by Thursday if you’re available via email that would help us massively. We are looking for about 20 people to make light work.
What you will need – Sun protection, gardening gloves, shovels and picks (if possible) and maybe a wheelbarrow.
It will start at 1pm and the turf will be delivered at 3pm (sorry about the heat). You are more than welcome to bring friends and family to help out or supervise 🙂